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Mix 2 Teaspoons Of
In Your Coffee To
Curb Cravings & Burn Fat *

Ivy League University scientists discover
isolated Caribbean tribe’s secret to live
longer. Also helps support heart health,
sleep, brain power, and sex drive…*

Dear Friend...


If you’re interested in crushing your occasional cravings… and burning more fat as part of your healthy diet and exercise program…*

… then all you need to do is mix a little under 2 teaspoons of THIS powder into your coffee or whatever your morning beverage is.

This powder contains several specific ingredients…

… and one ingredient’s miraculous properties were researched by Ivy league University scientists, when they discovered a remote Caribbean tribe that enjoyed unusually excellent health.

It all came down to a nutrient
they mixed into their drinks

As more scientific studies were done, the researchers found this “nutrient” could also support…

  • Your sleep…*
  • Brain health…*
  • … even your sex life!*

Which is why other scientists from as far away as the United Kingdom… Italy… and Japan are researching this nutrient.

In this message, I’m going to show you exactly what this nutrient is and the best way to use it.

The good news is, this nutrient is actually delicious.

The bad news is, it’s actually very difficult to properly select the best form of this nutrient. But don’t worry, I’ll show you exactly how to do that.

Here’s the story of how Ivy League University scientists discovered this nutrient was the health secret of an isolated tribe in the Caribbean…


They’re called the Kuna tribe.

They’re located in coastal Panama and even though their diets were far from perfect…

… and they lived in a dangerous, polluted part of the world…

They often live longer than their neighbors…

In fact, the normal consequences associated with aging that you and I might worry about… are almost UNKNOWN to them…

Fortunately for you and me, Harvard scientists unlocked their secret. They discovered the tribe’s fabulous health is not just luck…

It’s not only genetics.

It’s not only because they eat a ton of vegetables…

… but it IS a secret you and I can take advantage of.

In fact, other people and I already have been, and the results seem almost too good to be true.


If you’re skeptical, I can understand why. It seems like every other post we see when we scroll through our phones is about some new superfood fad promising every health and beauty benefit in existence…

…but no matter how much kale you eat, or how many green-tasting, sludgy smoothies you choke down, promising yourself that it’ll be worth it…

You may still wake up every day feeling exhausted…

Trudge through your work in a cloud of brain fog…

Battle seemingly endless food cravings…

… and toss and turn at night, trying to find a comfortable position that will help your racing, stressed mind finally calm down so you can get some sleep.

And the worst part? No matter how hard you try, no matter what you sacrifice for better health, it can feel like you’re not getting anywhere.


And that’s why this discovery is so important.

If you’re interested in an easy, enjoyable way to maintain healthy blood pressure levels already in normal, healthy range, support improved blood flow to your brain, sleep, energy… boost your mood… and even unleash a flood of microscopic “youth enhancers” throughout your body…*

… then you need to know about this scientifically-researched secret from the remote Kuna tribe in Panama.

It all started when Ivy League University scientists descended upon this secluded tribe to discover the secret to their remarkable health

You see, it turns out the elders of this mysterious Kuna tribe maintain healthy, normal blood pressure.* They don’t worry about many of the challenges that usually come with old age. In fact, they seemed practically immune to them.

And they lived longer.

What’s more amazing is they lived in a dangerous, deadly place.

Starting in 1990, scientists from Harvard Medical School visited the tribe on the Caribbean coast of Panama to discover the secret.

City center.

At first, they figured it was just good genetics. But as the scientists continued to investigate, they discovered that when the Kuna moved out of their native environment…

… their miraculous health often VANISHED. They turned normal… like Cinderella at the stroke of midnight.

So… no. It was not just their genetics contributing to their astounding health.

Instead, it was also something in their environment.

Something WE might
be able
to use.

But what?

Eating healthy.

A perfect diet?


Lack of stress?


Lack of pollution?
Not that either…

It wasn’t just a healthy diet. The Kuna didn’t eat a ton of “health foods”…

Finally, the scientists found an answer.

It was a particular superfood… and certainly not one you’d hear a mainstream nutritionist recommend.

Yet, this superfood contains what might be one of the most powerful super nutrients for health in existence

Take a look at this graph:


What you’re looking at is a measurement of nutrients’ antioxidant capacity.

We’re about to take a deep dive into many of the root factors involved in health and longevity… and maybe why you’ve been feeling so tired down in your bones…

Because it may have a lot to do with antioxidant capacity.

First, let me introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Danette May...

Danette May.
Danette May.

My name’s Danette May and I had to take a long, hard road to discover the power of this nutrient.

In fact, during all my studies in achieving my pre-med and nutrition degrees… and even when I was certified as a NASM nutritionist…

Nobody talked about this amazing nutrient!

For most of my 14+ years as a certified fitness professional, I didn’t know about it.

But after I felt its power for myself, my life completely shifted. My clients raved about the results they were getting. I knew I had to spread the word.

Anyone who meets me now sees a vibrant, joyous, healthy woman with a loving family, an incredible husband, a thriving business, and deep friendships.

Danette May.

I’m humbled to say that, after years of hard work, I’ve gathered a Facebook following of 1,815,785 amazing people.

I’ve also published two books, The Rise and Embrace Abundance.

I’ve led a ceremony at Nelson Mandela’s home in South Africa to celebrities and dignitaries…

I’ve keynoted at international events such as Mindvalley’s A-Fest in Portugal, Spain & Mexico, Dave Asprey’s Biohacking Conference, the Bliss Project…

… and my own 2-day Rise Event where 1200 women gathered in Denver, Colorado…

I’m not saying any of this to brag because the truth is…

… I started in a much more painful place.

Discovering my calling began with losing my son during childbirth, getting divorced, and going so flat broke that I worried about becoming homeless…

... all one after the other.

I still remember it as clear as day…

I’d been patiently waiting for my new baby boy to arrive. One day I was having a rare quiet moment and felt an intuition that something was wrong. Instead of going to the hospital, I ignored my intuition and got up and got “busy”.

That evening, I experienced strong contractions. I rushed to the hospital and I ended up losing my sweet baby boy.

The next three months were the darkest months of my life. My body physically wanted to take care of a baby, but couldn’t. My mind, body and soul screamed to see my baby boy, but he was gone. I didn’t leave the house for 3 months.

But my son’s death marked the beginning of my own personal transformation and me waking up to myself

During a walk a few months after the death of my son, something in me opened up. An inner voice told me it was time to start healing myself.

Over the next few months I began focusing on the three pillars of healing:

  • Healing my mind (with gratitude practices, meditation, and improved self-talk)
  • Healing my spirit (by listening to intuition and source and stepping into my fullest soul’s expression)
  • Healing my body with movement and clean food

My life began to change, to the point where it was nearly unrecognizable from where I had started. My broken marriage fell away, my old eating habits died off, and my mindset shifted from one of being a victim…

to one of finally feeling empowered and actively creating my life.

My experience was so profound that I began to share it with others, who started doing the same things for themselves. Watching their transformations has become one of the most meaningful experiences of my entire life.

So, let’s shift gears so I can show you how this ties into your health…

Danette May.

During my journey of healing, and going deep into these 3 Pillars of healing, I began to research what foods, nutrients, and healing plants would make the biggest difference to my quality of life, and those that I was sharing my journey with.

This all led to me finding (and trying out for myself) the research I’m sharing with you today.

Keep reading, because what I found changed my life.

Okay, back to antioxidant capacity.

As you learned earlier, this super nutrient has a far stronger antioxidant capacity (as measured by ORAC value) than superfoods like kale and broccoli.*

What exactly is it and why
is it so crucial for your health?

It sounds complicated… but it’s a crucial aspect of your health. Actually, it’s a crucial aspect of life everywhere. Here’s what I mean:

Imagine that you bite into an apple and put it down for a bit…

What’s going to happen after several minutes?

You’ll look at the part of the apple that’s been bitten off and it will appear brown and mushy.

You’ve seen this all the time. I’m sure you’ve also seen how, when a piece of metal gets scraped… it starts to rust.

Both these examples have everything to do with antioxidant capacity… and they also have to do with your health…

How young you look…

Free Radical Damage.

How young you feel…

Okay, back to the mushy apple and rusting metal.

In both cases, you’re seeing a chemical process called free radical damage.

Basically, free radical damage happens when atoms called free radicals rip electrons out of molecules in an object like an apple or piece of metal…

This happens with all kinds of physical things…

… including living things.

Yes, including you and me!

It’s true…

Your body can fall victim to these
radical attacks… constantly!

Yes, all the time…

You can’t see it with your eyes…

… but you may see and feel their contribution… like older-looking skin… feeling drained of energy… overworked joints…


Which just makes sense. If the molecules in your body are literally getting ripped apart at a microscopic level…

… you’re going to feel it just as surely as rusting metal will gnarl and collapse.

Fortunately, Mother Nature has gifted us with a solution.

Healthy foods act as antioxidants. They can help protect you from these free radicals.

They protect you by generously donating parts of their molecules to “quench the thirst” of the free radical.

Think of it like unleashing a flood of microscopic “youth enhancers” throughout your body.

All kinds of food are antioxidants. Blueberries… kale… bananas…

The key question you need to ask yourself is:

“How powerful is the antioxidant?”

Because if it’s not powerful, it’s like unleashing a mere drip of “youth enhancers” and you don’t feel… or see… a difference.*

Back to the graph…


As you can see, this super nutrient utterly dwarfs all the other antioxidants you could possibly eat.*

No wonder the elders of the Kuna tribe enjoy such great health.

And I’m sure you can see how adding this super nutrient to your routine could be one of the most important decisions for your health you ever make…

… and how missing out on this super nutrient could be a disaster.

Fortunately, Ivy league University scientists uncovered the truth. And they consider the results so fascinating, the scientists are calling for more studies to be done…

… but why wait?

We already know the secret.

So, as promised, I’ll reveal this amazing super nutrient and secret of the Kuna.

It’s called cacao.

Now, you may have heard of cacao before, because cacao is…

The magical
ingredient in
delicious, mouthwatering chocolate.

As surprised as you may be that this super nutrient is in chocolate, it probably will NOT surprise you that you cannot jump up and eat the nearest chocolate bar and expect your health to improve.

  • Or chocolate ice cream…
  • Or chocolate cookies…
Stop Chocolate.

Not if you go to your usual sources (more on that in a moment because I’ve figured out a way to literally have your delicious chocolate cake and eat it too…)

But you need to be careful because virtually every chocolate product you see at the store, or could get at a restaurant, is what I like to call “unnatural, chemical chocolate.”

That’s because it’s been artificially stripped of its major nutrients. When natural cacao gets processed into milk chocolate… which is found in just about every processed chocolate dessert… its antioxidant power often gets completely destroyed.

Unfortunately, even fancy-looking dark chocolate is
actually unnatural, chemical chocolate.

Yes, even if the product mentions having 70%, 85%, or even 90% cacao on the label.

It just doesn’t matter because the scorching heat in the factory processing destroys the phytonutrient content.

Dislike Chocolate.

As a result, you might spend over $3 on a chocolate bar you think is healthy… but it’s really still just candy.

But when you get the right stuff… the results are amazing…

Scientists in Japan found cacao can help maintain cholesterol levels already in normal, healthy range

Which is not surprising. As a powerful antioxidant, this super nutrient cacao “cleans up” free radicals like soap on grease, neutralizing it.*

Cacao also helps stimulate the release of a
natural chemical in your body called nitric oxide.*

You might have heard of it before, especially considering three scientists won the Nobel Prize for discovering nitric oxide…

This is important because nitric oxide plays a pivotal role in heart health.

It does this through a process called “vasodilation.” I won’t turn this into a science lesson, but the bottom line is that nitric oxide helps make sure that your blood keeps getting where it needs to go…*

… which is crucial for delivering health-enhancing nutrients to every part of your body. *

A fascinating 5-day study from Harvard Medical School showed that cacao induced vasodilation so well, the scientists called it, “...striking…” *

Harvard scientists also found that, in the studied population, the older someone is, the more powerful this vasodilation is! It’s like mother nature’s essence in this nutrient knows exactly who needs it the most. *

Scientists from the UK even found it supports blood flow to the BRAIN… after just one dose! *

Which might be why scientists in Italy found that, after giving senior volunteers cacao in a drink for 60 days…

You might just need some delicious cacao!

It’s little wonder that when Swedish natural scientist Carl Linnaeus named the plant that provides cacao… he gave it a name that means Food Of The Gods.

And while this research is incredibly exciting, it was my personal experience that truly drove this home for me.

Several years ago, I was spending time on a “spiritual sabbatical” focusing on my inner healing, when I was invited to be part of a special circle.

The healers leading it brought out cups of a sacred drink. I remember breathing in the warming, chocolatey scent as we set our intentions for our experience.

I began to sip the drink, tasting a mix of
ceremonial cacao
with a few other spices…

Collage. Collage.

And that’s when it happened.

As I sat there, I felt my heart open in a profound way. I experienced a feeling of such deep love and connection with every single person there.

It was like the walls inside me came down, and I was in this state of open wonder and gratitude. It was like coming home to myself, sharing a state of unconditional love with everyone there.

And, something I found out later absolutely blew my mind:

This feeling is often a normal effect of ceremonial-grade cacao.

And, that’s not all it does. The healers there told me that this special cacao gives you earth-instilled nutrition that has higher “energetic” properties. *

I could feel it helping my body. My heart. My mind. My soul.

It was a truly magical experience that changed my life

From that moment on, I wanted to learn everything I could about ceremonial cacao, and how it could be used for meaningful healing, connection, and wellness.

The things I learned, like the studies you heard about earlier, amazed me.

Cacao even helps your brain support and stimulate naturally occurring “feel good” chemicals, including*:


Serotonin naturally helps produce a sense of calm and wellbeing to promote a positive mood…*


Floods your brain with physical and mental relaxation, promoting a more peaceful, relaxed state as you forget about the worries of your day and stay more present in the moment…*


(Phenethylamine) – The “love chemical” helps trigger the release of pleasurable compounds known as endorphins. PEA also boosts the activity of dopamine, a neurochemical directly associated with pleasure…*


Popularly known as the “BLISS molecule,” anandamide naturally helps trigger a release of dopamine, helping your body to slip into a state of feeling good. It’s the perfect way to start your day on a good note, or end it for a great night's sleep.*

I don’t know of anything else out there that makes you feel so good physically and emotionally, while supporting a healthy aging process…*

…and tasting unbelievably good.

Inspired by my experience and the research I began to find, I began a worldwide quest for the best, naturally-grown cacao…

And I found it in Peru, in the form of a rare,
ceremonial-grade cacao…

Raw Cacao.

Ceremonial-grade cacao is made differently, by fermenting and sun-drying (not roasting) the beans…

...then peeling the husks by hand and gently grinding them down into a fine powder.

No additives or fillers, just what nature intended, prepared with love and intention.

This gives you direct access to something that’s wholly nourishing, for mind, body and spirit...

…which is what I’m all about!

In a moment, I’ll show you how to get this ceremonial-grade cacao.

First, I need to tell you this. This amazing cacao isn’t the only super nutrient I’ve found in my research. I definitely consider it the most essential… but you can do better if you add more.

For instance:


Did you know that there are over 6,000 scientific studies over the last 30 years that indicate how incredible turmeric is as a powerful antioxidant, joint health, and immune system supporting supplement? *

For example, if you suffer from occasional, temporary joint discomfort when you exercise, turmeric is your new best friend.*

Studies show that turmeric can promote joint health and ease sore muscles after exercise.*

Turmeric can even help support your body’s natural inflammation response throughout your entire body, down to the very cells that support healthy inflammatory responses.*

Turmeric's ability to support these functions has led scientists to believe that turmeric can help promote great overall health and well-being and support a healthy, vibrant life as we age.*

The benefits don’t stop there. Turmeric can also help support and “cleanse” your liver. *

Plus, a fascinating study showed how turmeric also supports your mood, helping you feel happier! *

… which is why I’ve found combining turmeric with a mindfulness practice delivers amazing results.

With all these incredible benefits, it’s not surprising that turmeric has been used for health for thousands of years.

I’m so passionate about turmeric that I even researched how to maximize its benefits…

Which is how I came across the importance of black pepper.

As amazing as turmeric is, it’s generally hard for our bodies to absorb. But when you add just a bit of black pepper to the party, some research suggests that it can make the turmeric up to 2,000% more bioavailable! *


Something I’m truly passionate about is helping women create the body and life they’ve always wanted. And that’s why I’m such a fan of MCT oil.

My favorite health benefit of MCT oil is that it helps you…

More easily manage your weight AND help keep weight off when
combined with diet and exercise.*
Mct oil.

It’s fascinating how this works…

The first thing you need to know is that diet fads get something terribly wrong.

They say “a calorie is a calorie” and focus on counting the amount you have in each meal.

There’s a big problem with that.

The source of the calories may change what those calories do!

The calories from medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) like you find in MCT Oil, are healthier, naturally occurring fats concentrated in coconut oil.*

Some research suggests that they may help increase how many calories you burn, compared to the same amount of calories from longer chain fats, which are in animal and vegetable oils like macadamia, canola, safflower, and even olive oil.*

Another important distinction is that MCT is metabolized in a very beneficial way.

MCT oil goes directly to your liver and is used immediately for energy.*

You get to enjoy a quick boost in energy.*

Medium chain fats are more likely to be used as pure energy, giving you a boost to your day, rather than stored.*

Plus, MCT oil may help you burn more fat.*

Because MCTs are more quickly and easily transported directly inside your cells, this boost in energy helps “heat up” your body, support and increase in your metabolism, and burn more body fat as part of your exercise and healthy eating routine.*

It also helps support your weight loss goals another way: MCT oil helps you feel full and curb occasional cravings... *

One of the hardest parts of maintaining a healthy weight, especially after 40, is the sabotaging and frustrating effects of food cravings.

It makes healthy eating choices even harder, which is why MCT oil is such a game-changing ally.

If that wasn’t enough to make you fall in love with MCT oil like I did, here’s another major benefit it offers:

MCT oil boosts your brain and body power! *

A study showed that those who ate MCT oil experienced SIGNIFICANT improvement in memory, communication, and more.*

And while you’re getting more brain power support…*

A study found that eating MCT oil also gives you a quick burst of physical energy for better athletic performance and longer endurance.*


That means you get more out of your workouts, can exercise longer, all on top of the benefits of curbing cravings and support to help burn fat. *

So now that I’ve told you how MCT oil helps to curb your occasional cravings, helps you manage weight as part of your health routine, supports a powerful metabolism, and gives your brain and body a quick burst of energy, here’s the next amazing superfood I fell in love with…*


Did you know that cinnamon has been so highly prized that wars have been waged over it? In fact, in ancient Rome, it was more valuable than gold!

There are many good reasons why, starting with how cinnamon is now becoming known as

The “Skinny Spice!”


Cinnamon helps down carbohydrates in your digestive tract and supports your body’s healthy, natural insulin response.*

Many human studies have shown the glucose management ability of cinnamon, and how it can maintain healthy blood sugar levels already in a healthy range.*

And because your body may naturally store more fat when your blood sugar levels are elevated… cinnamon could help make weight management easier.*

There’s another reason I love cinnamon.

A study showed that cinnamon helped protect neurons and supported improved motor function…all of which are especially important as we age.*

Isn’t it wonderful that, like cacao, cinnamon is such a delicious and powerful longevity superfood?*

With all that said…

Let me now show you the best way to get EVERYTHING you just learned about…

  • The ceremonial grade cacao, like that used by the Kuna tribe…
    which has been shown to be a delicious, powerhouse longevity secret for healthy hearts, supporting healthy blood pressure, a happier, calm mood, and antioxidant properties…*
  • Turmeric to fight inflammation related to physical exercise, support improved digestion, help dissolve stubborn fat and support a feel-good mood…*
  • Black Pepper to make the turmeric even more effective and up to 2,000% more bioavailable…*
  • MCT Powder to help you feel satiated longer, making it easier for your body to release stubborn fat deposits when combined with a healthy diet and exercise…*
  • … and Cinnamon to improve your body's ability to digest glucose, boost circulation, and help ease your desire for sugary treats.*

Where’s the best place to get all of these
powerhouse nutrients?


You have actually already found the best source for everything… because it’s right here on this page.

Yes, even though these individual ingredients are very difficult to source…

… I’ve managed to gather ALL of the special ingredients you’ve learned about today…

… and I’ve made them ALL available in a delicious, indulgent blend called: Cacao Bliss.

All you need to do is mix a scoop (less than 2 teaspoons) into your favorite beverage.

You can have it as a comforting hot cocoa drink before bed…

In an iced mocha the next morning…

…or even get the full benefits it has to offer while occasionally enjoying it in absolutely delicious desserts.

Collage. Collage.

When I made my first batch and gave it to an intimate group of taste testers… they were blown away.

How could something this healthy taste this good?

When my company began offering limited batches of Cacao Bliss to our audience, they absolutely loved it. We’ve got pages and pages of testimonials… here’s just a sample:

Linda M.

"I've been using Cacao Bliss in my morning coffee for 7 months now. I've lost 10 lbs without trying. My joints feel so much better. My doctor wanted to know what I was doing different! I now have my husband on it also. I can't imagine starting my day without it." *

Karen M.

“I started Cacao Bliss a few months back, I am here to tell you that this stuff is amazing. I was skeptical at first but it works, it really works. I mix it every morning with my morning smoothie or my tea. It has worked wonders to balance occasional, temporary stiffness and inflammation as a result of exercise or activity. I feel wonderful to boot. If you’re skeptical I would highly suggest to give it a try. Again, it works, it really works.” *

Janine B.

“I have been using Cacao Bliss since it first came out last December and I love it and I am hooked! It is my every morning get away. I love the taste (I add it to my organic coffee with a splash of almond milk) and then I sit peacefully and quietly for the next 20 minutes on a mini mind vacation while I enjoy every sip to the fullest. It [helps curb] cravings for me, and I have noticed a difference in my stress levels at work. I use it in dessert recipes, and my newest favorite is iced. I also use it with yogurt and honey as a facial mask which makes a noticeable improvement in my skin! A super easy way to consume one of Nature’s best Superfoods, and it’s produced in its natural and ceremonial processes for an amazing clean product. I don’t think I’ve gone a day without it......why would I? Give it a try! You won’t be sorry!” *

*results not typical

Cacao Bliss is delicious and easy to use…

Its ingredients are carefully chosen to support your health, longevity, healthy weight, and happiness… *


Quite frankly, it’s in a completely different class from any superfood you’ve used or heard about…

…and I’ve never seen any other superfood or health supplement that has this abundance of benefits while also being an indulgent dessert!

Because of the relationships I’ve built in my global community, I’ve been able to assemble each of the special Cacao Bliss ingredients …

… and make it available to everyone who wants to enjoy its delicious benefits.

I care deeply about sourcing ingredients that benefit your body, while respecting our planet with sustainable practices and packaging, which means that supplies are often limited.

The Peruvian, ceremonial-grade cacao is especially rare, since it’s carefully selected, and lovingly dried directly in the sun, and then ground by hand into a fine powder…

…rather than the mass-produced, roasted industrial cocoa powder that ends up in cheap junk foods.

So if you’re thinking about trying Cacao Bliss and enjoying its many benefits, order it while we have it in stock!

Cacao Bliss includes the rare, ceremonial-grade cacao from Peru to support a healthy heart, boosted mood, support for improved sleep, energy, blood flow to the brain… *

… and is one of the most High-ORAC antioxidants in the world…
Graph. Mct oil.
  • It includes Turmeric, to support healthy joints, combat temporary inflammation from exercise, mood boosting, cleansing your liver, and additional antioxidant support… *
  • MCT Oil to support your healthiest weight by curbing occasional food cravings, supporting fat burning, and giving you an extra boost of brain power when you need it, and a burst of physical energy for workouts… *
  • The “Skinny Spice” Ceylon Cinnamon to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels already in a healthy, normal range (since your body may store more fat when your blood sugar levels are elevated), while supporting brain health…*
  • And, I’ve added a few extra goodies:

  • My favorite nature-based healthy sweetener, called Monk Fruit, which helps satisfy your sweet tooth, with zero calories and no ill effect on your blood sugar…*
  • Coconut Nectar, which contains a unique fiber known as inulin, which acts as a prebiotic and feeds the healthy gut bacteria in your lower intestine… *
  • Lucuma, which adds a hint of caramel-like flavor while also containing antioxidants, and supports heart health… *
  • Mesquite, because it’s a sweet and nutty superfood that doesn’t cause blood sugar spikes, and helps to give your immune system some extra oomph… *

Cacao Bliss Is...

USDA Organic.

100% USDA
certified organic...


Produced in a
non-GMO facility...


Vegan, vegetarian,
paleo, keto friendly!


Tastes deliciously decadent (dessert-like!)...


Free of unhealthy sugars like other chocolate products...


A pure superfood, with no artificial flavors or sweeteners…

High Quality.

Using only the highest quality processing methods...


Soy, dairy, and gluten-

100% guilt-free!

Once I managed to include all these incredibly healing, delicious ingredients, and I had that first magical experience tasting-testing it, I knew that Cacao Bliss was FINALLY ready.

You’ve seen how all of these carefully chosen
ingredients come together to support your heart, energy, brain health, happiness, and longevity… *

You’ve seen how tangible results like a better mood, fewer occasional food cravings, and more energy… happen within just hours…

You’ve learned about the dangers of free radicals, and how ceremonial-grade cacao’s almost unheard-of antioxidant levels can make all the difference…

You’ve discovered how you can use this delicious treat to promote burning more fat, while being able to exercise longer, with less temporary inflammation afterwards… *

…and how the Kuna people, who live in a highly polluted, dangerous area, use this special cacao to maintain shockingly healthy lives. *

You can discover how it works for you

Take a moment to feel how wonderful it would be to make the decision to try this healing, delicious, uplifting blend for yourself.

However, if you close this page, there’s no guarantee that you’ll ever be able to get this rare formula in the future.

With all the supply chain issues, it’s getting tougher and tougher to secure supplies of top-quality ingredients. So, if you’re at all interested…

Get your hands on Cacao Bliss while it’s still available.

Imagine starting each day feeling
focused and energized… *

  • Where you feel even more loving and connected with the people who matter most…
  • Where you can enjoy delicious foods that feel like you’re indulging while watching in amazement as your body gets healthier… *
  • Where you can enjoy the deep peace of mind that comes with knowing that this delicious daily treat is helping your golden years to be vibrant, healthy, and full… *
  • Imagine how it will feel to get your hands on Cacao Bliss… and enjoy your first rich, flavorful cup the same afternoon.
  • Maybe you’ll decide to take a walk around your neighborhood for about 20 minutes…
  • …and before you know it, over 30 minutes have passed, and you still feel relaxed and energized… *
  • …you find yourself smiling at neighbors, and realize that not only do you feel great emotionally…
  • …but when you get home, you’re not feeling your occasional, temporary post-walk aches. *
  • Maybe it’s those microscopic “youth enhancer” antioxidants working their magic? *

You feel so good that you end up doing all the laundry that’s been quietly piling up…

Followed by finally reading that book you’ve wanted to check out, but had been feeling too tired to start.

Woman on bike.

How does that sound for Day 1?

When you support your body with all the benefits of Cacao Bliss, this can be your future, and so much more.

Here’s a complete breakdown of what you’ll get each time you enjoy Cacao Bliss:


The ceremonial grade cacao, like that used by the Kuna tribe…which has been shown to be a delicious, powerhouse longevity secret for healthy hearts, promoting healthy blood pressure, a happier, calm mood, and powerful antioxidant support properties… *


Turmeric to fight inflammation related to physical exercise, improve digestion, dissolve stubborn fat and support a feel-good mood… *

Black pepper.

Black Pepper to make the turmeric even more effective and up to 2,000% more bioavailable… *


Lucuma for a dash of delicious caramel-like flavor while supporting heart health and adding even more antioxidants… *


Mesquite, which is a sweet and nutty superfood that helps boost your immune system… *

Himalayan Salt.

Himalayan Salt which contains over 84 minerals and trace elements, while helping to balance your pH levels… *

MCT Powder.

MCT Powder to help you feel satiated longer, making it easier for your body to release stubborn fat deposits… *


Cinnamon to improve your body's ability to digest glucose, boost circulation, and curb your desire for sugary treats… *

Coconut Nectar.

Coconut Nectar, a delicious prebiotic and feeds the healthy gut bacteria in your lower intestine… *

Monk Fruit.

…and Monk Fruit, which helps satisfy your sweet tooth, with zero calories and no ill effect on your blood sugar. *

All combined, these special nutrients will help
nourish and enhance your body, mind, and emotions… *


…and every single one is carefully selected as part of Cacao Bliss’s delicious, powdered blend, to conveniently enjoy as a hot or cold beverage, or in an irresistible — and shockingly healthy — dessert.

Imagine having this in your morning coffee instead of a sugar-filled latte. You’ll feel better, lighter, more energized, and even save money (more on that in a bit) … *

Each ingredient has been carefully selected and backed by science and personal experience.

In fact, ever since creating it, this has become my go-to treat for my entire family.

And I have another two surprises for you, to help you get the most out of your Cacao Bliss experience!

Gift #1: Cacao Lovers Cookbook


You can have your cake and eat it too!

A healthy lifestyle shouldn’t mean a boring, tasteless one where the only flavor you get to enjoy is “green.”

I think that wellness should never be about depriving yourself, but about celebrating your body and deeply enjoying how you nourish it! One of the things I love about Cacao Bliss is that not only is it amazing for helping your mind, body, and spirit… *

…but it can be used to make the most irresistibly delicious desserts!

I made this special cookbook, featuring crave-worthy desserts that taste amazing and make you feel great!

You shouldn’t have to choose between enjoying a decadent dessert you deserve and worrying about your health or weight.

These desserts taste incredible, while being shockingly good for you!

This cookbook contains my FAVORITE dessert recipes, all using this rare chocolate and other healthy, natural, fat-burning ingredients!

Let me show you a quick sampling of the guilt-free recipes you can prepare in about 5 minutes using only about 5 ingredients...

My friends, family, and followers go CRAZY over these recipes, and I think you will too!

They include…

Chocolate peanut butter cups. Chocolate peanut butter cups.

Chocolate peanut
butter cups

Cacao coconut balls. Cacao coconut balls.

coconut balls

Guilt-free chocolate cake. Guilt-free chocolate cake.

chocolate cake

Rich cacao bites. Rich cacao bites.

Rich cacao bites

Healthy decadent brownies. Healthy decadent brownies.

Healthy decadent

Chocolate wafflese. Chocolate wafflese.

Chocolate waffles

Chocolate thin mint cookies. Chocolate thin mint cookies.

Chocolate thin
mint cookies

Chocolate mug cake. Chocolate mug cake.

Chocolate mug cake

Almond butter cups smoothie. Almond butter cups smoothie.

Almond butter
cups smoothie

...and SO many more!

And, I want to give you another special gift today…

Gift #2: Cacao Meditations

Digital access. Digital access.

I created two powerful cacao meditations you can listen to while you sip on a cup of rich hot chocolate made from Cacao Bliss.

You’ll love feeling your body release tension, your mind relaxing, as you sip your rich, nourishing cup of Cacao Bliss.

You learned earlier how some refer to Cacao as the ‘Elixir of the Gods’ …

In ancient tribes of South America, it was believed that raw cacao had special powers - and that it enabled people to tap into higher mental and physical strength and clarity.

The Mayans regarded cacao so highly it was used as a form of currency, and was stashed away like treasure.

My experience with cacao has been incredible, and I want to help you tap into the benefits that thousands of my clients and I have enjoyed, so you can treasure them with your family and friends…

These special meditations are a large part of how I can share the amazing experience of cacao with you - I am so excited for you to try them!

Product & Book.

You’ll get both of these gifts 100% free when you order today…

That’s a $29.95 value in FREE gifts, just for choosing to experience Cacao Bliss for yourself...

PLUS as an additional bonus, I will be sending you all my best tips, recipes and suggestions straight to your email. You’ll be amazed at what’s possible when you add healing movements, healing foods and a healing mindset to your life.

I promise, your email is safe with us! I won't sell or share your email with other companies, I will respect your inbox - and if you ever decide you don't want to receive our emails anymore, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Now, you might wonder if you can get
results like what you’ve learned about…

You might wonder what your results will be when you use ALL of these ingredients simultaneously…

… and I understand if you’re still a bit skeptical, if you’ve never tried it before.

That’s why I want to PROVE the power of Cacao Bliss to you, at no risk to you.

I'm giving you a 60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee…

You Love It Or You Don't Pay!

Guarantee badge.

That’s a FULL 60-days to test this formulation for yourself.

I want you to wake up, mix a cup of chocolate goodness, and watch as life's bumps start to melt away. I want you to feel an incredible sense of well-being and connection with the deepest part of your soul without reaching for something harmful.

That’s why I’m willing to risk my entire reputation by offering you the chance to enjoy Cacao Bliss for 60 full days with zero risk on your part. If you’re not satisfied for any reason during this time, just send back your order - even if it’s empty - and my customer support team will give you a prompt and speedy refund.

Guarantee badge.

Try it for yourself for 60 days, and if you’re not absolutely thrilled with Cacao Bliss… I insist we give you all your money back — yes, even if you’ve used some! Keep the bag you opened, and just send back any unopened ones (just pay S&H), and we'll refund every penny.

Considering one of these ingredients was shown to improve your mood and energy the same day you drink it… then 60 days is plenty of time for you to feel the benefits.

I want you to feel confident as you get Cacao Bliss and experience all its benefits for yourself!

With a full supply of Cacao Bliss, you’ll have plenty to make delicious recipes like cakes, brownies, ice creams, cookies, and more - completely guilt-free.

You won’t find yourself reaching back for regular,
over-processed cacao when you have access to something that tastes amazing and makes you look and feel better.

Raw Cacao.
Raw Cacao.

This isn’t something that you can find at a grocery store — this is Peruvian, sun-kissed cacao, loaded with all of the incredible benefits that nature intended…

If you stock up or sign up to subscribe and save, you won’t have to worry about running out and having to skip days without your favorite Cacao Bliss coffee - trust me, this stuff is addictive.

Not to mention that you’ll see faster results when you ensure you’re getting Cacao Bliss daily…

(Plus, your family and friends are going to want some too, because it tastes so good, and will ask for more because they feel so good!)

Depending on which package you choose, your daily Cacao Bliss experience can be as little as $1.33 per day.
Compare that to a fancy latte at the coffee shop, which can run up to $4.75!

You can save money… and enjoy a spring of health that has made such a difference for me, my family, and my community…

… and I know you’re going to love it too.

Plus, choosing to get Cacao Bliss for yourself also helps Mother earth.

We use ingredients as close to nature as possible. We strive towards ensuring all of our products are organic and non-GMO. We also use ingredients that can be replenished quickly, providing more opportunities for local businesses and farmers.


We strive to choose facilities with areas free from antibiotics, gluten, dairy, or anything which could impact the purity of our products.

Plus, we’re getting closer to using packaging that is 100% recyclable and sourced from Post-Consumer Recycled plastic.

Through our partnerships with other organizations, we have removed more than 2 million ocean-bound plastic bottles, and planted more than 500,000 trees.

And you can be part of the solution, because every purchase of Cacao Bliss plants a tree and removes 3 bottles from ocean-bound waterways.

This way, you get to improve your health and the world.

Here’s how to get your Cacao Bliss:


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If you’re looking to get the most value while enjoying a delicious way to make a big impact on your health long term, I highly suggest taking me up on the FREE POUCH I'm including in the family bundle today.

PLUS, in addition to the $79.95 value of the FREE pouch, you’ll enjoy the value of the two bonus gifts ($29.95):

The Cacao Bliss Chocolate Lovers E-cookbook ($9.95 value) is your new BFF to help you make the most of this powerful, decadent superfood.

It’s packed with all my favorite mouth-watering cacao recipes (including desserts that your family is going to LOVE without realizing how healthy they are!)

Enjoy chocolate every day, with NO guilt.

And for the second gift… meditation is a huge part of my life, and how I stay centered on my vision, purpose, and heart.


Which is why I am so thrilled to gift you with my two Cacao Meditations ($20 value) - 15 minutes of additional bliss for your mind, body, and soul.

Meditation can help to ease the physical manifestations of normal daily stress, soothe your mind, and help you to experience those precious minutes of calm that many of us struggle to find for ourselves.

I deeply believe in helping people to heal and nurture themselves with food, movement, and meditation - so it gives me great pleasure to share these gifts with you when you claim your supply of Cacao Bliss today.

I want you to experience all of these powerful benefits for yourself.

You deserve to have the best experience of yourself. Your loved ones deserve your healthiest, most loving version of you.

You all deserve to feel your best, with even more wonderful memories to look forward to.

You’ll feel more energized, focused, and
connected with your loved ones…

You’ll feel so confident in how your energy is finally helping you to feel better, and do more of the things you love…

…while enjoying the peace of mind that this delicious treat is actually helping you to look and feel better and better as time goes by. *

Of course, combining all these powerhouse nutrients into a single daily dose of Cacao Bliss was a challenge. It wasn’t easy or cheap to find many of these rare ingredients.

In fact, if you were to buy these ingredients separately, it could cost over triple the deal you can get on this page… and the quality wouldn’t be nearly as good.


I’m a big fan of checking in with my gut, and feeling how something could help me, when I’m considering trying something new.

As you feel into this for yourself, remember everything you’ve learned about these nutrients.

The groundbreaking science…

The real results…

Like the incredible benefits for your digestive health, weight, and energy levels…support for better focus…a happier mood…and promoting a healthy heart and maintaining blood pressure levels already in normal, healthy range. *

It makes you wonder just what it will feel like
to enjoy these changes for yourself…

Take a moment to imagine what it will be like when your Cacao Bliss arrives in the mail.

As soon as you see the box waiting by your door, you excitedly grab it and take it inside. When you open the top, your personal Cacao Bliss supply will be waiting inside for you.

Bring one bag to your kitchen, open it, and stir your first serving up with some hot water (I personally love to drink it hot like a latte with some almond milk!)

As soon as you do, you’ll nourish your body with ALL of the powerful nutrients you’ve learned about today. Every single one of them simultaneously. *


Then, as each day goes by, you continue to nurture your body with these life-enhancing ingredients. I encourage you to keep track of how you start feeling and thinking differently. *

How your previous exhaustion begins to clear… *

How you can start turning on… and turning up… your focus like a laser… *

How you find yourself feeling happier, calmer, and having more loving, heartfelt time with your loved ones… *

Before you know it, you’ll have your own “Cacao Bliss moment” when…

You’re sitting in your living room, enjoying a delicious mug of Cacao Bliss while happily chatting away with an old friend on the phone…

…and she says, “You know, you sound so different lately! I’ve never heard you sounding so happy, and I can’t believe how good you looked when we met for lunch the other day! I don’t know what you’re doing, but you seem so full of life!”

And while her comment gives you a warm glow, you’ll also smile to yourself remembering how, instead of needing to relax after you meet up…


…you felt so good that you finally went to that dance class you’ve always wanted to try…

…and amazed yourself with how much fun you had, and how good you felt doing it…

…and the way your husband has been giving you some extra attention lately hasn’t hurt, either.

In fact, all your relationships have been feeling better than ever, now that you have more energy and feel even more happy and connected… *

All because you made the choice to start enjoying all the benefits of Cacao Bliss.

How thrilling will it feel to have SEE that
this truly works? And that you get to enjoy
the benefits
for as long as you want?

Danette May.
Danette May.

Your experience will be personal to you… but I’m sure it will feel very good.

And you can experience it for yourself by making a choice today, right now.

Remember, Cacao Bliss is covered by a full 60-day money back guarantee, so you are taking no risk whatsoever.

Click the button below and fill out your shipping information on the next page.

Once you make your selection, we’ll begin packing your personal supply of Cacao Bliss and rush it your way.

I highly recommend you do this now. In the past, we’ve sold out of supplies and, because of how rare some of the ingredients are, it took months to get back in stock.

You deserve to experience all the benefits for yourself.

Remember, you take zero risk. You either feel the difference or you can get a no-questions-asked refund.

Click the button below to get your supply of Cacao Bliss

… and enjoy support for better blood flow to your brain, sleep, energy… a happier mood… and even unleash a flood of youth-enhancing antioxidants throughout your body. *


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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe with my current medication?

If you are concerned about Cacao Bliss interacting with your medication, please consult your doctor. Show them the list of ingredients and ask how it fits into your current treatment. If you have any problems, remember we’ll give you a prompt refund.

How many pouches should I order?

The answer may differ from person to person depending on many factors. Some of these may include how many people are planning on drinking Cacao Bliss, how many times a day you want to be able to enjoy a treat as well as stocking up to assure you do not run out. We recommend ordering more than you think you need since we are confident you are going to LOVE it! Plus, the more you buy, the more you save!

How long will it take before I start to feel the benefits?

If you love chocolate, you’ll feel its benefits immediately because you know you’ll be trading an unhealthy vice for a superfood. For the rest of the health benefits to soak in, you should give it roughly 1-3 weeks if you’re eating clean and taking Cacao Bliss on a daily basis. Results may vary

Will it help me lose weight?

It can if you combine it along with a healthy eating lifestyle. But it wasn’t specifically created as a way for you to lose weight. It was made to help you get in a better place mentally, so decisions like eating healthier become easier.

How many scoops do I need to take each day?

Great question… and it’s completely up to you! Some days you might relax with a cup of hot chocolate after a long day. Other days you might put a scoop into a smoothie for lunch, and healthy brownies for dessert. This is completely up to you.

What is the best time of day to take Cacao Bliss?

This again depends on you. You can put a scoop in your morning coffee, into a smoothie for lunch, into dessert after dinner, or into a cup of hot chocolate at any point in the day. There are only 7mg of caffeine per serving (not enough to affect your sleep), so you can feel free to enjoy it right up until bed!

What’s inside Cacao Bliss?

Click the label below...

Is it safe with my current medication?

There are 30 servings in each pouch. The average person uses about 1 serving per day.


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